30 May

           Apostleship is when we imitate or follow the Apostles of Jesus. It is when we become servant leaders and disciples of God. In Mark 9:35 “And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, 'If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” It says that we become leaders when we serve others. We do not just command them, but guide them through the process. Helping our groupmates instead of just telling them what to do is an example of apostleship. We should continue to be a disciple of Christ because with him, we can go through anything.


          I observed the people around me, and I can say that apostleship is continuing into the current age. At home, I help my brother with his schoolwork. At school, my classmates and I try to lend a hand to each other whenever we have a hard time understanding the lesson. Doing simple genuine acts can already be considered as apostleship.

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